Download Visual Guard Enterprise Edition

Visual Guard Components Versions

Visual Guard 2024.2 - GA

Visual Guard WinConsole WinConsole
Visual Guard WebConsole WebConsole x64
  WebConsole x64 Zip format
Visual Guard IdentityServer VG IdentityServer
  VG IdentityServer Zip format

Visual Guard 2024.1

Visual Guard WinConsole WinConsole
Visual Guard WebConsole WebConsole x64
  WebConsole x64 Zip format
Visual Guard IdentityServer VG IdentityServer
  VG IdentityServer Zip format

Visual Guard 2024 - Release Candidate

Visual Guard WinConsole WinConsole
Visual Guard WebConsole WebConsole x64
  WebConsole x64 Zip format
Visual Guard IdentityServer VG IdentityServer
  VG IdentityServer Zip format

Installation Instructions

Installation of Visual Guard WebConsole

  • Please ensure that .Net Core hosting bundle 8.0 (including the .Net core runtime and IIS Support) has been installed on the machine. If not, download it here.
  • Below are the requirements for installing WebConsole setup.
    • .NET Runtime 8.0
    • IIS should be installed (Select checkboxes shown below)
      IIS Configuration Options

Installation of Visual Guard Identity Server

  • Below are the requirements for installing IdentityServer setup.
    • .NET Runtime 8.0
    • Hosting bundle .Net 8
    • IIS should be installed (Select checkboxes shown below)
      IIS Configuration Options
  • Install the VGIdentityServerSetup. [Link available in the table above]
    1. Doing so, will create a ‘VisualGuardIdentityServer’ website.
    2. It will also create an application pool ‘AspNetCore’ ‘with - .Net CLR Version“No Managed Code”.
      (If not created, please create it manually)
  • Check the list of websites, select ‘VisualGuardIdentityServer’.
    Go to 'Advanced Settings', and select application pool - ‘AspNetCore’.
  • Check 'permissions', and assign full permissions to ‘IIS_IUSRS’.
  • Check the application root path.
    Select 'web.config' , please make sure it contains the following values :
<aspNetCore processPath="dotnet" arguments=".\Novalys.VisualGuard.Tools.VGIdentityServer.dll" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdosut">
<environmentVariables />


Remove VisualGuard configuration files, if found any, on the application root path.


Previous Versions


Technical Documentation