Applications Security White Papers & Business Cases


DSGVO für Geschäftsanwendungen

Dieses Papier fasst zusammen, wie sich die Europäische Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) auf Geschäftsanwendungen auswirkt, und erläutert, wie Visual Guard die Einhaltung vereinfacht.

Identity and Access Management

How to manage fined-grain permissions in your business applications
This document looks at identity management and access control (IAM) inside applications. It contains recommendations for those in charge of conceiving access control systems, organizing access rights and administering applicative security on the long term.

Rollenbasierte Zugriffssteuerung für .NET-Anwendungen ?

Strategien für Authentifizierung und Berechtigungen (Role Based Access Control Dieses Dokument bietet Informationen für den Entwurf und die Umsetzung eines Systems zur rollenbasierten Zugriffssteuerung (Role Based Access Control, RBAC).

Complying with regulation rules

How to comply with security standards for health care applications.
Why health care actors used Visual Guard to add new security features to their applications.

3 Reasons to "Close All Doors"

Why YOU need to abide by the Principle of Least Privilege.
Most people remember to secure against external threats, but what about the security of internal data in your applications?

Fight Password Fatigue

Password fatigue is the phenomenon of feeling overwhelmed by the need to remember all of them. To combat this, many users have found coping strategies that undermine the security policies that the passwords were created to enforce.