Suivez ces directives pour améliorer la traçabilité et surveiller les opérations sensibles dans les applications métier.
Suivez ces directives pour améliorer la traçabilité et surveiller les opérations sensibles dans les applications métier.
VG 2018 couvre certaines des principales exigences de la RGPD : Contrôle d'access aux données sensibles, Enregistrement et audit des activités, détection et reporting des fuite de données...
En plus d’étendre le nombre de ses fonctionnalités, VG 2018 permet de répondre aux exigences de la RGPD en aidant les organisations mettre leurs applications métiers en conformité avec cette nouvelle réglementation.
VG 2018 peut envoyer des notifications par email quand certaines activités sont détectées. Alertez les administrateurs, les contrôleurs ou les managers quand certains événements se produisent.
Visualisez les activités sensibles en temps réel : accès à certaines données, exécution de certaines transactions commerciales, déclenchement de certains événements de sécurité, etc.
Générez des graphiques historiques
Visualisez les horaires de connexion des utilisateurs à vos applications.
Obtenez la liste complète des permissions pour un utilisateur, un groupe, un rôle, ou un jeux de permissions donné
Vous pouvez vous demander d’où vient une permission particulière. Par quel(s) ensemble(s) de permissions et quel(s) rôle(s) a-t-elle été accordée ?
VG 2018 supporte nativement les configurations avec plusieurs Active Directory
VG 2018 inclut une nouvelle fenêtre de recherche permettant de consulter Active Directory et de déclarer des comptes ou des groupes Windows dans votre VG Repository.
Jusqu’à VG 2017, quand un rôle était attribué à un rôle, il était toujours propagé à tous les sous groupes. Avec VG 2018, la propagation est optionnelle.
VG 2018 offre la possibilité d’utiliser un modèle simplifié : les jeux de permissions ne sont plus obligatoires. Si besoin vous pouvez accorder directement des permissions aux rôles.
VG 2018 fournit de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour gérer facilement un grand nombre de groupes d'utilisateurs
Governments around the world are promoting and standardizing the digitization of patient information in the health care sector... Specifically, we will look at how the United States has implemented certain regulations that obligate health care actors to add new features to their applications within a certain time frame; this requires a solution that meets standards across the board and is easy to implement even in existing applications
I think any developer will agree with me that adding security features to an application can be an absolute pain. [...] with Visual Guard from Novalys, the integration of security features is no longer a slog...
"Multi-tenant" and "Software as a service" applications are becoming more and more common. Companies are looking for different ways to manage their IT needs. They expect solutions that can adapt to their internal organizational structure and lower their deployment and maintenance costs. Multi-tenant applications allow just that – low cost and flexible architecture. However, multi-tenant applications also pose unique challenges. In this article, we will look at security administration and user management in a multi-tenant application with Visual Guard.
Code Project runs an annual reader survey, asking them to rate their favorite tools, in categories such as Reporting, Debugging, and SQL Database tools. These results, decided by a community of developers more than seven million strong, are based on real trials and in-the-field experience.
Visual Guard is thrilled to be in the company of tools from companies like Red Gate, Intel, and SAP.
See for yourself why Visual Guard was chosen “Best Authentication Tool”
How to simplify user management in your applications
In a 2002 NTA Monitor survey, it was found that the typical intensive computer user had, on average, 21 passwords. ... Password fatigue is the phenomenon of feeling overwhelmed by the need to remember all of them. To combat this, many users have found coping strategies. For example, they often create a list of passwords in a file, or even put them on post-its stuck to their terminals. All of this undermines the security policies that the passwords were created to enforce.
"This isn't a popularity contest. A product that earns a VSM Readers' Choice Award has earned the respect and loyalty, over time, of VSM readers, some of the most demanding users on the planet" Michael Desmond, Visual Studio Magazine editor in chief.
Members were asked to rate their favorites on tools. The Code Project staff then compiled the highest rated listings, awarding the highest ranked in each product category. The results reflect actual perceptions of what developers value. Each member decides which companies or products deserve recognition, based on in-the-field experience.
See how to control access to .NET applications reusing Windows accounts for authentication. Integrate with Active Directory and grant roles and permissions to Windows accounts. Define permissions without adding code thanks to .NET reflection mechanism.
Application security is such
a problem that most developers prefer to ignore it. If ignoring
it is impossible then we often implement a custom solution with
user lists and passwords, or we simply expect the user control provided
by the operating system to do the job [...] Visual Guard for .NET
puts an end to this shoddy approach to security by making it trivial
to implement and by providing good administration tools, and it
works for both desktop applications and ASP.NET websites.
by Mike James
El reciente caso aparecido en la
televisión nacional, donde una factura recibida por un usuario
mostraba los apellidos de éste cambiados por palabras ofensivas,
ha puesto en evidencia una vez más la importancia de que las
aplicaciones a través de las cuales los empleados manipulan
los datos con que las empresas operan realicen una correcta autenticación
y registro de actividad de sus usuarios. Este mes presentamos Visual
Guard .NET, un cómodo y útil marco de trabajo que permite
gestionar de una manera eficiente y centralizada los usuarios, roles
y permisos de una aplicación y asegurar el acceso de los usuarios
a cada uno de los elementos de la misma...
by Octavio Hernández
Are you creating a security system for a SaaS application? Visual Guard is here to help! This article will list the important questions to ask during your project and the answers that Visual Guard provides to avoid security breaches or functional limitations that will hold you back