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Novalys.VisualGuard.Security Namespace

The Novalys.VisualGuard.Security namespace provides classes that allow interacting with Visual Guard.
One of the most important classes of this namespace is the VGSecurityManager class. This class Provides the main access point for classes interacting with the Visual Guard security system.

If you need to integrate Visual Guard in a WinForm application, we strongly recommend to read the "How to integrate Visual Guard in a WinForm application" document.

If you need to integrate Visual Guard in an WPF application, we strongly recommend to read the "How to integrate Visual Guard in WPF application" document.

If you need to integrate Visual Guard in an ASP.Net 2.0 application, we strongly recommend to read the "How to integrate Visual Guard in an ASP.Net 2.0 application" document.

If you need to integrate Visual Guard in an MVC application, we strongly recommend to read the "How to integrate Visual Guard in MVC application" document.

If you need to integrate Visual Guard in a WCF application, we strongly recommend to read the "How to integrate Visual Guard in a WCF application" document.

Public classVGAnonymousSessionNotAllowedException
Exception thrown when the method LoadAnomymousSecurity is called and the application disallows anonymous session or if the role granted to anonymous session is not valid.
Public classVGAssemblyNotSecuredException
Exception thrown when the application tries to load security permission from a repository and the application is not declared in the repository.
Public classCode exampleVGAuthenticationState
Defines the state of an authentication process.
Public classVGAuthorizationState
Defines the state of an authorization process.
Public classCode exampleVGCheckVersionEventArgs
Provides data for the CheckVersion event.
Public classVGConfigurationException
Exception thrown when an error occurs during the initialization of Visual Guard.
Public classVGContextualGroup
Public classVGDuplicateUserEventArgs
Public classVGEditorBrowsableAttribute
Specifies that an assembly, class, property or event is viewable in a Visual Guard editor.
Public classVGGrantedApplication
Represents a class for 'granted application' to user.
Public classVGGrantedGroup
Public classVGGrantedRole
Represents a Visual Guard role granted to a user.
Public classVGGroupsLoadingEventArgs
Public classVGInvalidActionException
Exception thrown when an action generates an exception.
Public classVGInvalidRepositoryException
Exception thrown when the repository containing the security information cannot not be found.
Public classVGInvalidTargetTypeException
Exception thrown when an action must be executed on a target and the target type cannot be found in the current application domain.
Public classVGLogWritingEventArgs

Provides data for the LogWriting event.

Public classVGPasswordModificationState
Defines the state of a password modification process.
Public classVGPasswordQuestionAndAnswerModificationState
Defines the state of a password modification process.
Public classVGPermissionAttributeCollection
Represents a collection of VGIPermissionAttribute associated to a VGIPermission.
Public classCode exampleVGPermissionsLoadingEventArgs
Provides data for the PermissionsLoading event.
Public classVGPermissionVersionNotSupportedException
Exception thrown when the version of the permissions stored in the repository is not supported by the application.
Public classVGPrincipalPermission
Allows checks against the current principal (see Principal) using the language constructs defined for both declarative and imperative security actions.
Public classVGPrincipalPermissionAttribute
Allows security actions for VGPrincipalPermission to be applied to code using declarative security.
Public classVGProductInformation
Gets information about the product.
Public classVGReflectionHelper

Helper class for reflection.

Public classVGRepositoryVersionNotSupportedException
Exception thrown when the version of the repository does not support the version of the Visual Guard runtime.
Public classVGRuntimeExtension
Public classVGSecurityErrorEventArgs

Provides data for the SecurityError event.

Public classVGSecurityInitializedEventArgs

Provides data for the DefaultRuntimeInitialized event.

Public classVGSecurityLoadedEventArgs

Provides data for the SecurityError event.

Public classVGSecurityManager
Provides the main access point for classes interacting with the Visual Guard security system. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classVGSecurityRuntime
Provides the main access point for classes interacting with the Visual Guard security system. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classVGUnauthorizedAnonymousUserException
Exception thrown when the method LoadAnomymousSecurity is called and the defined anonymous user is not authorized to access to the application.
Public classVGValidatePasswordEventArgs

Provides data for the ValidatingPassword event.

Public interfaceVGIIdentity
Defines basic functionality of a Visual Guard identity.
Public interfaceVGIPermission
Defines the basic functionality for a Visual Guard permission.
Public interfaceVGIPermissionAttribute
Represents an attribute (argument) of a VGIPermission object.
Public interfaceVGIPermissionSet
Represents a collection of Visual Guard permissions. This collection can contain VGIPermissionSet or VGIPermission objects.
Public interfaceVGIPrincipal
Defines the basic functionality of a Visual Guard principal
Public interfaceVGISecurable
Provides an interface for classes that need to be secured by Visual Guard.
Public delegateVGCheckVersionEventHandler
Represents the method that handles a CheckVersion event.
Public delegateVGGroupsLoadingEventHandler
Represents the method that handles a [!:VGSecurityManager.GroupSelectionLoading] event.
Public delegateVGLogWritingEventHandler
Represents the method that handles a LogWriting event.
Public delegateVGPermissionsLoadingEventHandler
Represents the method that handles a PermissionsLoading event.
Public delegateVGSecurityErrorEventHandler
Represents the method that handles a SecurityError event.
Public delegateVGSecurityInitializedEventHandler
Represents the method that handles a DefaultRuntimeInitialized event.
Public delegateVGSecurityLoadedEventHandler
Represents the method that handles a SecurityLoaded event.
Public delegateVGValidatePasswordEventHandler
Represents the method that handles a ValidatingPassword event.
Public enumerationVGApplicationType
Defines all types of application supported by Visual Guard
Public enumerationVGAuthenticationMode
Indicates the authentication mode used by Visual Guard to authenticate a user.
Public enumerationVGAuthenticationStatus
Defines all the authentication status
Public enumerationVGAuthorizationStatus
Defines all the authorization status
Public enumerationVGDebugOptions
Specifies whether debug information should be generated
Public enumerationVGEditorBrowsableState
Specifies the browsable state of a class, assembly, property or event from within a Visual Guard editor.
Public enumerationVGMembershipPermissionAccess
Specifies access to Membership api
Public enumerationVGMemberShipUserState
Indicates the state of the Visual Guard user .
Public enumerationVGPasswordModificationStatus
Defines all the password modification status
Public enumerationVGPasswordQuestionAndAnswerModificationStatus
Defines all the password question and answer modification status
Public enumerationVGPermissionType
Specifies the type of the item (role or permission) checked by the VGPrincipalPermission object.
Public enumerationVGUserOperationStatus
Define a generic status for user operation