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VGSecurityRuntime Events

The VGSecurityRuntime type exposes the following members.

Public eventAcceptOfflineMode
Occurs after VGRepository is created.
Public eventCheckForOnlineStatus
Occurs after VGRepository is created.
Public eventCheckVersion
Allows to check if the version of the repository permissions is compatible with the version of the application.
Public eventGroupsLoading
Occurs before the permissions are loaded and allows filtering the list of user's groups for contextual group selection.
Public eventPermissionsLoading
Occurs before the permissions are loaded and allows filtering the list of user's roles.
Public eventSecurityError
Occurs when Visual Guard loads security actions and a type are unknown or when Visual Guard sets the security of an object and an exception occurs.
Public eventSecurityLoaded
Occurs after the security permissions are loaded.
Public eventSignedOut
Occurs when the current user is signed out.
Public eventUnableToSaveOffline
Occurs when you have a error during save offlinemode conposant.
Public eventCode exampleValidatingPassword
Occurs when a password is changed or is reset.
See Also