Visual Guard Class Library Documentation

VGRoles Members

VGRoles overview

Public Static Properties

DefaultRoleId Gets the unique identifier of the default role of the application.
AnonymousRoleId Gets the unique identifier of the role granted to a user during an anonymous session.
DefaultRole Gets the name of the default role of the application.
AnonymousRole Gets the name of the role granted to a user during an anonymous session.

Public Static Methods

AddUsersToRoleOverloaded. Adds the specified users to the specified role.
AddUsersToRolesOverloaded. Adds the specified users to the specified roles.
AddUsersToRolesByIdOverloaded. Adds the specified Windows accounts to the specified roles.
AddUserToRoleOverloaded. Adds the specified user to the specified role.
AddUserToRoleByIdAdds the user specified by the repository id to the specified role.
AddUserToRolesOverloaded. Adds the specified user to the specified roles.
AddUserToRolesByIdAdds a user specified by repository id to the specified roles.
CreateInstance Creates a VGRolesInstance using a specific security runtime
CreateRole Adds a new role to the repository.
DeleteRoleOverloaded. Deletes a role specified by its name from the repository.
FindUsersInRoleGets a list of users in a specified role where the user name contains the specified user name to match.
FindUsersInRoleByIdGets a list of users in a specified role where the user name contains the specified user name to match.
GetAllPermissionSetsGets a list of the permission set fro the application.
GetAllRolesGets a list of all the roles for the application.
GetAllRolesAsCollectionGets a VGRoleCollection object representing the list of all the roles for the application.
GetPermissionSet Gets a permission set for the application
GetRoleOverloaded. Gets a role for the application.
GetRolesForUserOverloaded. Gets a list of the roles that the currently logged-on user is in.
GetRolesForUserByIdGets a list of the roles that a user is in.
GetUsersInRoleOverloaded. Gets a list of users in the specified role.
IsUserInRoleOverloaded. Gets a value indicating whether the currently logged-on user is in the specified role.
IsUserInRoleByIdGets a value indicating whether the specified user is in the specified role.
RemoveUserFromRoleOverloaded. Removes the specified user from the specified role.
RemoveUserFromRoleByIdRemoves a list of users specified specified by repository id from the specified role.
RemoveUserFromRolesOverloaded. Removes the specified user from the specified roles.
RemoveUserFromRolesByIdRemoves the specified user from the specified roles.
RemoveUsersFromRoleOverloaded. Removes the specified users from the specified role.
RemoveUsersFromRoleByIdRemoves a list of users specified specified by repository id from the specified role.
RemoveUsersFromRolesOverloaded. Removes the specified user names from the specified roles.
RemoveUsersFromRolesByIdOverloaded. Removes the specified Windows accounts from the specified roles.
RoleExists Checks if a role exists in the current repository for the application
UpdateRole Updates the repository with the information for the specified role.

See Also

VGRoles Class | Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.Membership Namespace