Visual Guard Class Library Documentation

Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.Membership Namespace

The Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.WebForm namespace provides classes used to create, edit, delete and to grant roles to users stored in a Visual Guard repository.

The VGMembership class allows to create, edit or delete Visual Guard user.

The VGRoles class allows to create, edit and delete a role and allows to grant or revoke roles to users.

By default, Visual Guard membership API can be used by all users of your application. It is possible to restrict the use of Membership API to some users of your application. To enable Membership permission, you must:

Visual Guard will throw a SecurityException exception when a user attempt to use Membership API and the membership access level defined for the application is not appropriate or when the access level is set to 'MembershipMembersOnly' and the user is not a member of the 'Membership Manager' role.

Namespace hierarchy


VGIsMemberOfAnotherApplicationException Exception thrown when you try to delete a user and this user is member of another application.
VGMembership Validates user credentials and manages user settings.
VGMembershipCreateUserException Exception thrown when an action generates an exception.
VGMembershipInstance Validates user credentials and manages user settings for a specific security runtime.
VGMembershipPasswordException The exception that is thrown when a password cannot be retrieved from the Visual Guard repository.
VGMembershipUser Exposes and updates membership user information in the Visual Guard repository.
VGMembershipUserCollection Represents a collection of VGMembershipUser objects.
VGMembershipUserComparerCompares two VGMembershipUser for equivalence.
VGPermissionSet Exposes information about permission set stored in a Visual Guard repository.
VGPermissionSetCollection Represents a collection of VGPermissionSet objects.
VGRole Exposes and updates role information in the Visual Guard repository.
VGRoleCollection Represents a collection of VGRole objects.
VGRoleComparerCompares two VGRole for equivalence.
VGRoles Manages user membership in roles for authorization checking in a WinForm application.
VGRolesInstance Manages user membership in roles for a specific VGSecurityRuntime object.


VGMembershipCreateStatus Describes the result of a CreateUser operation.
VGMembershipUserComparer.SortColumn The column used to sort a VGMembershipUserCollection
VGRoleComparer.SortColumn The column used to sort a collection