Visual Guard Class Library Documentation

VGMembership Members

VGMembership overview

Public Static Properties

EnablePasswordReset Gets a value indicating whether the current membership provider is configured to allow users to reset their passwords.
RequiresQuestionAndAnswer Gets a value indicating whether the repository is configured to require the user to answer a password question for password reset and retrieval.
RequiresUniqueEmail Gets a value indicating whether the repository is configured to require a unique e-mail address for each user name.
MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts Gets the number of invalid password or password-answer attempts allowed before the membership user is locked out.
MinRequiredNonAlphanumericCharacters Gets the minimum number of special characters that must be present in a valid password.
MinRequiredPasswordLength Gets the minimum length required for a password.
PasswordAttemptWindow Gets the number of minutes in which a maximum number of invalid password or password-answer attempts are allowed before the membership user is locked out.
MaxUsers Gets the maximum number of users allowed in the repository according to the granted license.
Count Gets the number of users in the repository.
PasswordStrengthRegularExpression Gets the regular expression used to evaluate a password.

Public Static Methods

AddWindowsAccountOverloaded. Adds a new windows account to the Visual Guard repository.
ChangePassword Updates the password for the membership user in the Visual Guard repository.
ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer Updates the password question and answer for the membership user in the Visual Guard repository
ConvertUsernameToRepositoryId Converts the username of a user to a Visual Guard unique repository id for the specified authentication mode
CreateInstance Creates a VGMembershipInstance using a specific security runtime
CreateUserOverloaded. Adds a new user to the Visual Guard repository.
DeleteUserOverloaded. Deletes a user from the repository.
DeleteUserById Deletes a user specified by its repository id from the repository.
DeleteWindowsAccountOverloaded. Deletes a windows account from the repository.
FindUsersByEmailOverloaded. Gets a collection of membership users where the e-mail address contains the specified e-mail address to match.
FindUsersByNameOverloaded. Gets a collection of membership users where the user name contains the specified user name to match.
GetAllUsersOverloaded. Gets a collection of all the users in the repository.
GetUserOverloaded. Gets the information from the repository and updates the last-activity date/time stamp for the current logged-on membership user.
GetUserById Gets the information from the repository for the user identified by the specified Visual Guard repository id.
GetUserIdByEmail Gets the repository id of a user where the e-mail address matches the specified e-mail address.
GetUserNameByEmail Gets a user name where the e-mail address for the user matches the specified e-mail address.
GrantMembershipPermission Grants the permission to use the Membership API to edit, create, delete or assign role to users for the current application
RevokeMembershipPermission Revokes the permission to use the Membership API to edit, create, delete or assign role to users for the current application
UnlockUserClears the user's locked-out status so that the membership user can be validated.
UpdateUser Updates the repository with the information for the specified user.
ValidateUser Verifies that the supplied user name and password are valid.

Public Static Events

ValidatingPassword Occurs when a user is created, a password is changed, or a password is reset.

See Also

VGMembership Class | Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.Membership Namespace