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DeviceIdManager Class

Management utility for the Device Id
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.CRM.Services.Utility
Assembly:  Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.CRM (in Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.CRM.dll) Version: 2019.0.101.19 (2019.0.0101.19)
public static class DeviceIdManager

The DeviceIdManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberPersistIfDeviceAlreadyExists
Indicates that the credentials should be persisted to the disk if registration fails with DeviceAlreadyExists.
Public propertyStatic memberPersistToFile
Indicates whether the registered device credentials should be persisted to the database
Public methodStatic memberDiscoverEnvironment
Discovers the Microsoft account environment based on the Token Issuer
Public methodStatic memberLoadDeviceCredentials
Loads the device's credentials from the file system
Public methodStatic memberLoadDeviceCredentials(Uri)
Loads the device's credentials from the file system
Public methodStatic memberLoadOrRegisterDevice
Loads the device credentials (if they exist).
Public methodStatic memberLoadOrRegisterDevice(Uri)
Loads the device credentials (if they exist).
Public methodStatic memberLoadOrRegisterDevice(String, String)
Loads the device credentials (if they exist).
Public methodStatic memberLoadOrRegisterDevice(Uri, String, String)
Loads the device credentials (if they exist).
Public methodStatic memberRegisterDevice
Registers the given device with Microsoft account with a random application ID
Public methodStatic memberRegisterDevice(Guid)
Registers the given device with Microsoft account
Public methodStatic memberRegisterDevice(Guid, Uri)
Registers the given device with Microsoft account
Public methodStatic memberRegisterDevice(Guid, String, String)
Registers the given device with Microsoft account
Public methodStatic memberRegisterDevice(Guid, Uri, String, String)
Registers the given device with Microsoft account
See Also