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VGMembershipUser Properties

The VGMembershipUser type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApplicationId
Gets the unique identifier of the application for which the user was created
Public propertyAuthenticationMode
Gets a value indicating the mode of authentication used by Visual Guard to authenticate the given user.
Public propertyComment
Gets or sets repository-specific information for the membership user.
Public propertyCreationDate
Gets the date and time when the user was added to the repository. (Server Time)
Public propertyCreationDateLT
Gets the date and time when the user was added to the repository. (Local Time)
Public propertyEmail
Gets or sets the e-mail address for the membership user.
Public propertyEndDate
Gets the end date for the membership user.
Public propertyFirstName
Gets or sets the first name of the membership user.
Public propertyGraceLoginRemaining
Gets the number of logons that are allowed before the account is locked out.
Public propertyIdentityInformation
Return the information of the user
Public propertyIsApproved
Gets or sets whether the membership user can be authenticated.
Public propertyIsDirty Obsolete.
Gets a value indicating whether the VGMembershipUser has been modified.
Public propertyIsLockedOut
Gets a value indicating whether the membership user is locked out and unable to be validated.
Public propertyCode exampleIsMemberOfAnotherApplication
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the user is a member of an application different from the current application
Public propertyCode exampleIsMemberOfApplication
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the user is a member of the current application.
Public propertyIsPasswordExpired
Gets a boolean value that specifies whether the password for the user has expired.
Public propertyItemGuid
Public propertyItemString
Public propertyItemVGGroup, Guid
Public propertyItemVGGroup, String
Public propertyLastActivityDate
Gets or sets the date and time when the membership user was last authenticated or accessed the repository
Public propertyLastLockoutDate
Gets the most recent date and time that the membership user was locked out.
Public propertyLastLoginDate
Gets or sets the date and time when the user was last authenticated.
Public propertyLastModification
Gets the date and time when the user was last modified. (Server Time)
Public propertyLastModificationDate
Gets the date and time when the user was last modified.
Public propertyLastModificationLT
Gets the date and time when the user was last modified. (Local Time)
Public propertyLastName
Gets or sets the first name of the membership user.
Public propertyLastPasswordChangedDate
Gets the date and time when the membership user's password was last updated.
Public propertyMembershipPermission
Gets a value that indicates whether the current user can use Membership API to edit, create, delete or assign role to users for the current application
Public propertyMustChangePasswordAtNextLogon
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating when the password must be changed at next logon.
Public propertyPasswordExpirationDate
Gets the password expiration date and time.
Public propertyPasswordQuestion
Gets the password question for the membership user.
Public propertyProfileValues
Gets User Profile values of the current user.
Public propertyRepositoryId
Gets the unique identifier of the information used to store in a repository
Public propertyRuntime
Return the current Runtime
Public propertyStartDate
Gets start date for the membership user.
Public propertyTitle
Gets the title of the membership user.
Public propertyUserName
Gets the logon name of the membership user.
See Also