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VGGroupProfileAttribute Properties

The VGGroupProfileAttribute type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowSearch
Gets or sets if search is allowed via this attribute.
(Inherited from VGCommonProfileAttribute.)
Public propertyAttributeDefinitionDescription
Gets attribute definition description.
(Inherited from VGCommonProfileAttribute.)
Public propertyDataTypeEnum
Gets datatype of the attribute.
(Inherited from VGCommonProfileAttribute.)
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the description of the attribute.
(Inherited from VGCommonProfileAttribute.)
Public propertyDisplayName
Gets or sets Display name of the attribute.
(Inherited from VGCommonProfileAttribute.)
Public propertyGroupName
Gets or sets the category or section name of the attribute to display in.
(Inherited from VGCommonProfileAttribute.)
Public propertyId
Gets a unique id of attribute.
(Inherited from VGCommonProfileAttribute.)
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Gets or sets if attribute is readonly or not for API.
(Inherited from VGCommonProfileAttribute.)
Public propertyIsReadOnlyForUI
Gets or sets if attribute is readonly or not for UI (WinConsole).
(Inherited from VGCommonProfileAttribute.)
Public propertyIsRequired
Gets or sets if attribute's value is mandatory or not.
(Inherited from VGCommonProfileAttribute.)
Public propertyIsVisible
Gets or sets if attribute is visible or not.
(Inherited from VGCommonProfileAttribute.)
Public propertyLastModification
Gets or sets the last modification date of the attribute.
(Inherited from VGCommonProfileAttribute.)
Public propertyLastModificationLT (Inherited from VGCommonProfileAttribute.)
Public propertyProfileAttributeDefinition
Gets or set profile attribute definition
(Inherited from VGCommonProfileAttribute.)
Public propertyPropertyName
Gets a property name of the attribute.
(Inherited from VGCommonProfileAttribute.)
Public propertySaveInLog
Gets or sets if attribute values need to be saved in log while modifying or deleting an entity (role or group).
(Inherited from VGCommonProfileAttribute.)
Public propertyViewOrder
Gets or sets view order of the attribute.
(Inherited from VGCommonProfileAttribute.)
See Also