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QuarterlyFiscalCalendar Properties

The QuarterlyFiscalCalendar type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAttributes (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyBusinessUnitId
Public propertyCreatedBy
Unique identifier of the user who created the quarterly fiscal calendar.
Public propertyCreatedOn
Date and time when the quota for the quarterly fiscal calendar was created.
Public propertyCreatedOnBehalfBy
Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the quarterlyfiscalcalendar.
Public propertyEffectiveOn
Date and time when the quarterly fiscal calendar sales quota takes effect.
Public propertyEntityState (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyExchangeRate
Exchange rate for the currency associated with the quarterly fiscal calendar with respect to the base currency.
Public propertyExtensionData (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyFiscalPeriodType
Type of fiscal period used in the sales quota.
Public propertyFormattedValues (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyId (Overrides Entity.Id.)
Public propertyItem (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertylk_quarterlyfiscalcalendar_createdby
N:1 lk_quarterlyfiscalcalendar_createdby
Public propertylk_quarterlyfiscalcalendar_createdonbehalfby
N:1 lk_quarterlyfiscalcalendar_createdonbehalfby
Public propertylk_quarterlyfiscalcalendar_modifiedby
N:1 lk_quarterlyfiscalcalendar_modifiedby
Public propertylk_quarterlyfiscalcalendar_modifiedonbehalfby
N:1 lk_quarterlyfiscalcalendar_modifiedonbehalfby
Public propertylk_quarterlyfiscalcalendar_salespersonid
N:1 lk_quarterlyfiscalcalendar_salespersonid
Public propertyLogicalName (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyModifiedBy
Unique identifier of the user who last modified the quarterly fiscal calendar.
Public propertyModifiedOn
Date and time when the quarterly fiscal calendar was last modified.
Public propertyModifiedOnBehalfBy
Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the quarterlyfiscalcalendar.
Public propertyQuarter1
Sales quota for the first quarter in the fiscal year.
Public propertyQuarter1_Base
Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the first quarter in the fiscal year.
Public propertyQuarter2
Sales quota for the second quarter in the fiscal year.
Public propertyQuarter2_Base
Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the second quarter in the fiscal year
Public propertyQuarter3
Sales quota for the third quarter in the fiscal year.
Public propertyQuarter3_Base
Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the third quarter in the fiscal year.
Public propertyQuarter4
Sales quota for the fourth quarter in the fiscal year.
Public propertyQuarter4_Base
Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the fourth quarter in the fiscal year.
Public propertyQuarterlyFiscalCalendar_AsyncOperations
1:N QuarterlyFiscalCalendar_AsyncOperations
Public propertyQuarterlyFiscalCalendar_BulkDeleteFailures
1:N QuarterlyFiscalCalendar_BulkDeleteFailures
Public propertyRelatedEntities (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertySalesPersonId
Unique identifier of the associated salesperson.
Public propertyTimeZoneRuleVersionNumber
For internal use only.
Public propertytransactioncurrency_quarterlyfiscalcalendar
N:1 transactioncurrency_quarterlyfiscalcalendar
Public propertyTransactionCurrencyId
Unique identifier of the currency associated with the quarterly fiscal calendar.
Public propertyUserFiscalCalendarId
Unique identifier of the quarterly fiscal calendar.
Public propertyUTCConversionTimeZoneCode
Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.
See Also