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OpportunityProduct Properties

The OpportunityProduct type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAttributes (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyBaseAmount
Shows the total price of the opportunity product, based on the price per unit, volume discount, and quantity.
Public propertyBaseAmount_Base
Shows the Amount field converted to the system's default base currency. The calculation uses the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area.
Public propertyCreatedBy
Shows who created the record.
Public propertyCreatedOn
Shows the date and time when the record was created. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics CRM options.
Public propertyCreatedOnBehalfBy
Shows who created the record on behalf of another user.
Public propertyDescription
Type additional information to describe the opportunity product, such as manufacturing details.
Public propertyEntityImage
The default image for the entity.
Public propertyEntityImage_Timestamp
Public propertyEntityImage_URL
Public propertyEntityImageId
For internal use only.
Public propertyEntityState (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyExchangeRate
Shows the conversion rate of the record's currency. The exchange rate is used to convert all money fields in the record from the local currency to the system's default currency.
Public propertyExtendedAmount
Shows the total amount due for the opportunity product, calculated on the Amount value minus the Manual Discount amount.
Public propertyExtendedAmount_Base
Shows the Extended Amount field converted to the system's default base currency. The calculation uses the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area.
Public propertyExtensionData (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyFormattedValues (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyId (Overrides Entity.Id.)
Public propertyImportSequenceNumber
Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.
Public propertyIsPriceOverridden
Select whether the pricing on the opportunity product reflects an override of the product catalog pricing.
Public propertyIsProductOverridden
For system use only.
Public propertyItem (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyLineItemNumber
Type the line item number for the opportunity product to easily identify the product in the opportunity documents and make sure it's listed in the correct order.
Public propertylk_opportunityproduct_createdonbehalfby
N:1 lk_opportunityproduct_createdonbehalfby
Public propertylk_opportunityproduct_modifiedonbehalfby
N:1 lk_opportunityproduct_modifiedonbehalfby
Public propertylk_opportunityproductbase_createdby
N:1 lk_opportunityproductbase_createdby
Public propertylk_opportunityproductbase_modifiedby
N:1 lk_opportunityproductbase_modifiedby
Public propertyLogicalName (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyManualDiscountAmount
Type the manual discount amount for the opportunity product to deduct any negotiated or other savings from the product total.
Public propertyManualDiscountAmount_Base
Shows the Manual Discount field converted to the system's default base currency for reporting purposes. The calculation uses the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area.
Public propertyModifiedBy
Shows who last updated the record.
Public propertyModifiedOn
Shows the date and time when the record was last updated. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics CRM options.
Public propertyModifiedOnBehalfBy
Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the opportunityproduct.
Public propertyopportunity_products
N:1 opportunity_products
Public propertyOpportunityId
Unique identifier of the opportunity with which the opportunity product is associated.
Public propertyOpportunityProduct_AsyncOperations
1:N OpportunityProduct_AsyncOperations
Public propertyOpportunityProduct_BulkDeleteFailures
1:N OpportunityProduct_BulkDeleteFailures
Public propertyopportunityproduct_principalobjectattributeaccess
1:N opportunityproduct_principalobjectattributeaccess
Public propertyOpportunityProduct_ProcessSessions
1:N OpportunityProduct_ProcessSessions
Public propertyOpportunityProductId
Unique identifier of the opportunity product.
Public propertyOpportunityStateCode
Select the status of the opportunity product.
Public propertyOverriddenCreatedOn
Date and time that the record was migrated.
Public propertyOwnerId
Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the opportunity product.
Public propertyOwningBusinessUnit
Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the opportunity product.
Public propertyOwningUser
Unique identifier of the user who owns the opportunity product.
Public propertyPricePerUnit
Shows the price per unit of the opportunity product, based on the price list specified on the parent opportunity.
Public propertyPricePerUnit_Base
Shows the Price Per Unit field converted to the system's default base currency for reporting purposes. The calculation uses the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area.
Public propertyPricingErrorCode
Select the pricing error for the opportunity product.
Public propertyproduct_opportunities
N:1 product_opportunities
Public propertyProductDescription
Type a detailed product description or additional notes about the opportunity product, such as talking points or product updates, that will assist the sales team when they discuss the product with the customer.
Public propertyProductId
Choose the product to include on the opportunity to link the product's pricing and other information to the opportunity.
Public propertyQuantity
Type the amount or quantity of the product the customer would like to purchase.
Public propertyRelatedEntities (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertySequenceNumber
Shows the ID of the data that maintains the sequence.
Public propertyTax
Type the tax amount to be applied on the opportunity product.
Public propertyTax_Base
Shows the Tax field converted to the system's default base currency for reporting purposes. The calculation uses the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area.
Public propertyTimeZoneRuleVersionNumber
For internal use only.
Public propertytransactioncurrency_opportunityproduct
N:1 transactioncurrency_opportunityproduct
Public propertyTransactionCurrencyId
Choose the local currency for the record to make sure budgets are reported in the correct currency.
Public propertyunit_of_measurement_opportunity_products
N:1 unit_of_measurement_opportunity_products
Public propertyUoMId
Choose the unit of measurement for the base unit quantity for this purchase, such as each or dozen.
Public propertyuserentityinstancedata_opportunityproduct
1:N userentityinstancedata_opportunityproduct
Public propertyUTCConversionTimeZoneCode
Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.
Public propertyVersionNumber
Version number of the opportunity product.
Public propertyVolumeDiscountAmount
Shows the discount amount per unit if a specified volume is purchased. Configure volume discounts in the Product Catalog in the Settings area.
Public propertyVolumeDiscountAmount_Base
Shows the Volume Discount field converted to the system's default base currency for reporting purposes. The calculation uses the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area.
See Also