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Competitor Properties

The Competitor type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddress1_AddressId
Unique identifier for address 1.
Public propertyAddress1_AddressTypeCode
Select the primary address type.
Public propertyAddress1_City
Type the city for the primary address.
Public propertyAddress1_Composite
Shows the complete primary address.
Public propertyAddress1_Country
Type the country or region for the primary address.
Public propertyAddress1_County
Type the county for the primary address.
Public propertyAddress1_Fax
Type the fax number associated with the primary address.
Public propertyAddress1_Latitude
Type the latitude value for the primary address for use in mapping and other applications.
Public propertyAddress1_Line1
Type the first line of the primary address.
Public propertyAddress1_Line2
Type the second line of the primary address.
Public propertyAddress1_Line3
Type the third line of the primary address.
Public propertyAddress1_Longitude
Type the longitude value for the primary address for use in mapping and other applications.
Public propertyAddress1_Name
Type a descriptive name for the primary address, such as Corporate Headquarters.
Public propertyAddress1_PostalCode
Type the ZIP Code or postal code for the primary address.
Public propertyAddress1_PostOfficeBox
Type the post office box number of the primary address.
Public propertyAddress1_ShippingMethodCode
Select a shipping method for deliveries sent to this address.
Public propertyAddress1_StateOrProvince
Type the state or province of the primary address.
Public propertyAddress1_Telephone1
Type the main phone number associated with the primary address.
Public propertyAddress1_Telephone2
Type a second phone number associated with the primary address.
Public propertyAddress1_Telephone3
Type a third phone number associated with the primary address.
Public propertyAddress1_UPSZone
Type the UPS zone of the primary address to make sure shipping charges are calculated correctly and deliveries are made promptly, if shipped by UPS.
Public propertyAddress1_UTCOffset
Select the time zone, or UTC offset, for this address so that other people can reference it when they contact someone at this address.
Public propertyAddress2_AddressId
Unique identifier for address 2.
Public propertyAddress2_AddressTypeCode
Select the secondary address type.
Public propertyAddress2_City
Type the city for the secondary address.
Public propertyAddress2_Composite
Shows the complete secondary address.
Public propertyAddress2_Country
Type the country or region for the secondary address.
Public propertyAddress2_County
Type the county for the secondary address.
Public propertyAddress2_Fax
Type the fax number associated with the secondary address.
Public propertyAddress2_Latitude
Type the latitude value for the secondary address for use in mapping and other applications.
Public propertyAddress2_Line1
Type the first line of the secondary address.
Public propertyAddress2_Line2
Type the second line of the secondary address.
Public propertyAddress2_Line3
Type the third line of the secondary address.
Public propertyAddress2_Longitude
Type the longitude value for the secondary address for use in mapping and other applications.
Public propertyAddress2_Name
Type a descriptive name for the secondary address, such as Corporate Headquarters.
Public propertyAddress2_PostalCode
Type the ZIP Code or postal code for the secondary address.
Public propertyAddress2_PostOfficeBox
Type the post office box number of the secondary address.
Public propertyAddress2_ShippingMethodCode
Select a shipping method for deliveries sent to this address.
Public propertyAddress2_StateOrProvince
Type the state or province of the secondary address.
Public propertyAddress2_Telephone1
Type the main phone number associated with the secondary address.
Public propertyAddress2_Telephone2
Type a second phone number associated with the secondary address.
Public propertyAddress2_Telephone3
Type a third phone number associated with the secondary address.
Public propertyAddress2_UPSZone
Type the UPS zone of the secondary address to make sure shipping charges are calculated correctly and deliveries are made promptly , if shipped by UPS.
Public propertyAddress2_UTCOffset
Select the time zone, or UTC offset, for this address so that other people can reference it when they contact someone at this address.
Public propertyAttributes (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyCompetitor_Annotation
1:N Competitor_Annotation
Public propertyCompetitor_AsyncOperations
1:N Competitor_AsyncOperations
Public propertyCompetitor_BulkDeleteFailures
1:N Competitor_BulkDeleteFailures
Public propertycompetitor_connections1
1:N competitor_connections1
Public propertycompetitor_connections2
1:N competitor_connections2
Public propertyCompetitor_DuplicateBaseRecord
1:N Competitor_DuplicateBaseRecord
Public propertyCompetitor_DuplicateMatchingRecord
1:N Competitor_DuplicateMatchingRecord
Public propertycompetitor_opportunity_activities
1:N competitor_opportunity_activities
Public propertycompetitor_PostFollows
1:N competitor_PostFollows
Public propertycompetitor_principalobjectattributeaccess
1:N competitor_principalobjectattributeaccess
Public propertyCompetitor_ProcessSessions
1:N Competitor_ProcessSessions
Public propertyCompetitorId
Unique identifier of the competitor.
Public propertycompetitorproduct_association
N:N competitorproduct_association
Public propertycompetitorsalesliterature_association
N:N competitorsalesliterature_association
Public propertyCreatedBy
Shows who created the record.
Public propertyCreatedOn
Shows the date and time when the record was created. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics CRM options.
Public propertyCreatedOnBehalfBy
Shows who created the record on behalf of another user.
Public propertyEntityImage
Shows the default image for the record.
Public propertyEntityImage_Timestamp
Public propertyEntityImage_URL
Public propertyEntityImageId
For internal use only.
Public propertyEntityState (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyExchangeRate
Shows the conversion rate of the record's currency. The exchange rate is used to convert all money fields in the record from the local currency to the system's default currency.
Public propertyExtensionData (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyFormattedValues (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyId (Overrides Entity.Id.)
Public propertyImportSequenceNumber
Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.
Public propertyItem (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyKeyProduct
Type the competitor's primary product, service, or specialty.
Public propertyleadcompetitors_association
N:N leadcompetitors_association
Public propertylk_competitor_createdonbehalfby
N:1 lk_competitor_createdonbehalfby
Public propertylk_competitor_modifiedonbehalfby
N:1 lk_competitor_modifiedonbehalfby
Public propertylk_competitorbase_createdby
N:1 lk_competitorbase_createdby
Public propertylk_competitorbase_modifiedby
N:1 lk_competitorbase_modifiedby
Public propertyLogicalName (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyModifiedBy
Shows who last updated the record.
Public propertyModifiedOn
Shows the date and time when the record was last updated. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics CRM options.
Public propertyModifiedOnBehalfBy
Shows who last updated the record on behalf of another user.
Public propertyName
Type the company or business name used to identify the competitor in data views and related records.
Public propertyOpportunities
Type notes or other information about the competitive opportunities or selling points you can make.
Public propertyopportunitycompetitors_association
N:N opportunitycompetitors_association
Public propertyorganization_competitors
N:1 organization_competitors
Public propertyOrganizationId
Unique identifier of the associated organization.
Public propertyOverriddenCreatedOn
Date and time that the record was migrated.
Public propertyOverview
Type notes or other information about the competitor's business, such as location, revenue, or distribution channel.
Public propertyProcessId
Shows the ID of the process.
Public propertyprocessstage_competitors
N:1 processstage_competitors
Public propertyReferenceInfoUrl
Type the URL for the website used to obtain reference information about the competitor.
Public propertyRelatedEntities (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyReportedRevenue
Type the amount of revenue reported in the competitor's annual report or other source.
Public propertyReportedRevenue_Base
Shows the Reported Revenue field converted to the system's default base currency for reporting purposes. The calculations use the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area.
Public propertyReportingQuarter
Type the quarter number during which the competitor's reported revenue was recorded or announced for use in reporting and analysis.
Public propertyReportingYear
Type the fiscal year during which the competitor's reported revenue was announced for use in reporting and analysis.
Public propertyStageId
Shows the ID of the stage.
Public propertyStockExchange
Type the stock exchange at which the competitor is listed to track their stock and financial performance of the company.
Public propertyStrengths
Type notes or other information about the competitor's strengths, such as top-selling products and targeted industries or markets.
Public propertyThreats
Type notes or other information about the competitor's threats to your organization when you sell to the same prospect or customer.
Public propertyTickerSymbol
Type the stock exchange symbol for the competitor to track financial performance of the company. You can click the code entered in this field to access the latest trading information from MSN Money.
Public propertyTimeZoneRuleVersionNumber
For internal use only.
Public propertytransactioncurrency_competitor
N:1 transactioncurrency_competitor
Public propertyTransactionCurrencyId
Choose the local currency for the record to make sure budgets are reported in the correct currency.
Public propertyuserentityinstancedata_competitor
1:N userentityinstancedata_competitor
Public propertyUTCConversionTimeZoneCode
Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.
Public propertyVersionNumber
Version number of the competitor.
Public propertyWeaknesses
Type notes or other information about the competitor's weaknesses or areas in which your organization outperforms the competitor.
Public propertyWebSiteUrl
Type the website URL for the competitor.
Public propertyWinPercentage
Type the percentage of your organization's lost opportunities that are won by the competitor to identify your strongest competitors.
Public propertyYomiName
Type the phonetic spelling of the competitor's name, if specified in Japanese, to make sure the name is pronounced correctly in phone calls and other communications.
See Also