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Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.Logging Namespace

The Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.Logging namespace provides classes used to write in the log of a Visual Guard repository.

  • The VGLogger class allows to write a log entry in a repository log.
  • The VGLogEntry represents a message to write in a repository log.

For more information about the Visual Guard Logging features, you consult the document Using Visual Guard Logging features

Public classVGAttributeEventLogVariable
Represents a class to contain profile attributes with values as eventLogVariable
Public classVGEventLogArgs
Public classVGEventLogData
Public classVGEventLogVariable
Public classVGLogEntry
Represents a log message. Contains the common properties that are required for all log messages.
Public classVGLogEntryAttribute
Represents a class for containing ProfileAttribute information to store in VGLogEntry.
Public classVGLogEntryCollection
Represents a collection of VGLogEntry objects.
Public classVGLogEntryComparer
Compares two VGLogEntry for equivalence.
Public classVGLogger
Facade for writing a log entry to the log stored in a Visual Guard repository
Public interfaceVGIEventLogVariable
Represents an interface for VGEventLogVariable ex. for VGEventLogVariableForAttributes
Public enumerationVGEventLogParams
Public enumerationVGEventLogSortByColumnType
Public enumerationVGEventLogVariableName
Public enumerationVGEventLogVariableType
Public enumerationVGLogCategory
The categories of log entry managed by Visual Guard.
Public enumerationVGLogEntryComparerSortColumn
The column used to sort a collection
Public enumerationVGPredefinedMessageId
List of id of Visual Guard predefined log events