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VGSecurityRuntime Methods

The VGSecurityRuntime type exposes the following members.

Public methodAuthenticate(String)
Public methodAuthenticate(VGAdfsServer)
Authenticates a federated user
Public methodAuthenticate(VGICredential)
Authenticate the user by the VGICredential
Public methodAuthenticate(String, SecureString)
Authenticates a user by using Visual Guard or Database authentication mode.
Public methodAuthenticate(String, String)
Authenticates a user by using Visual Guard or Database authentication mode.
Public methodAuthenticate(String, SecureString, VGAuthenticationMode)
Authenticates a user by using the specified authentication mode.
Public methodAuthenticate(String, String, VGAuthenticationMode)
Authenticates a user by using the specified authentication mode.
Public methodAuthenticate(VGAdfsServer, String, String)
Authenticates a federated user
Public methodChangePassword(SecureString, SecureString, SecureString)
Change the password of the current user, the runtime need to have a Principal. The current user needs to support password system.
Public methodChangePassword(String, String, String)
Change the password of the current user, the runtime need to have a Principal. The current user needs to support password system.
Public methodChangePassword(String, String, String, String)
Changes the password of the user.
Public methodChangePassword(VGICredential, String, String, String)
Changes the password of the user.
Public methodChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer(String, String, String)
Changes the password question and answer of the user.
Public methodChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer(VGMembershipUser, String, String)
Public methodChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer(String, String, String, String)
Changes the password question and answer of the user.
Public methodChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer(VGMembershipUser, VGICredential, String, String)
Public methodChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer(VGMembershipUser, String, String, String)
Public methodCheckContext
Check if the context of Visual Guard is valid.
Public methodCheckCredential
Checks if credentials are valid but does not load security permissions or change current principal.
Public methodStatic memberCreateRuntimeForFile(String, VGAuthenticationMode, Boolean, Guid, String, Int32)
Creates a new instance of the VGSecurityRuntime class and initializes a connection to a repository based on files.
Public methodStatic memberCreateRuntimeForFile(String, VGAuthenticationMode, Boolean, Guid, String, Int32, Boolean)
Creates a new instance of the VGSecurityRuntime class and initializes a connection to a repository based on files.
Public methodStatic memberCreateRuntimeForOracle(String, VGAuthenticationMode, Boolean, Guid, String, String, Int32)
Creates a new instance of the VGSecurityRuntime class and initializes a connection to a repository using Oracle as the backing store.
Public methodStatic memberCreateRuntimeForOracle(String, VGAuthenticationMode, Boolean, Guid, String, String, Int32, Boolean)
Creates a new instance of the VGSecurityRuntime class and initializes a connection to a repository using Oracle as the backing store.
Public methodStatic memberCreateRuntimeForSQLServer(String, VGAuthenticationMode, Boolean, Guid, String, Int32)
Creates a new instance of the VGSecurityRuntime class and initializes a connection to a repository using SQLServer as the backing store.
Public methodStatic memberCreateRuntimeForSQLServer(String, VGAuthenticationMode, Boolean, Guid, String, Int32, Boolean)
Creates a new instance of the VGSecurityRuntime class and initializes a connection to a repository using SQLServer as the backing store.
Public methodStatic memberCreateRuntimeForVGServer(String, String, Guid, Boolean, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberCreateRuntimeForVGServer(String, String, VGAuthenticationMode, Boolean, Guid, Int32)
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the current instance
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
The destructor of the object.
(Overrides ObjectFinalize.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetPasswordQuestion
Gets the password question of a specified user.
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsAnonymousSessionSupported
Indicates whether an anonymous sessions are supported by the current application.
Public methodLoadAnomymousSecurity
Loads the permissions for an anonymous session.
Public methodLoadAnomymousSecurity(IIdentity)
Loads the permission for an anonymous session associated to the specified windows identity
Public methodLoadAnomymousSecurity(VGIIdentity)
Public methodLoadSecurity
Public methodLoadSecurity(VGToken)
Load a principal by VGToken
Public methodLoadSecurity(IIdentity)
Loads the permission of the given IIdentity object.
Public methodLoadSecurity(String)
Loads the permission of the user identified by the user name.
Public methodLoadSecurity(String, VGAuthenticationMode)
Loads the permissions of a user identified by the user name by using the specified authentication mode.
Public methodLoadSecurity(String, VGAuthenticationMode, Boolean)
Loads the permission of the given user name.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodResetPassword(String) Obsolete.
Resets a user's password to a new, automatically generated password.
Public methodResetPassword(String, Boolean) Obsolete.
Resets a user's password to a new, automatically generated password.
Public methodResetPassword(String, String) Obsolete.
Resets a user's password to a new, automatically generated password.
Public methodSetSecurity(Object)
Sets the security for the specified object.
Public methodSetSecurity(Object, Type)
Sets the security corresponding to the specified type for the specified object.
Public methodSignOut
Unloads the roles and permissions granted to the current user. If you are in Web application use VGFormsAuthentication.SignOut() method
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodValidateUser(VGAdfsServer)
Public methodValidateUser(VGICredential)
Public methodValidateUser(String, String)
Verifies that the supplied user name and password are valid by using the authentication mode VisualGuard or Database mode.
Public methodValidateUser(String, String, VGAuthenticationMode)
Verifies that the supplied user name and password are valid.
Public methodValidateUser(VGAdfsServer, String, String)
Public methodWriteLog
Writes a new log entry as defined in the specified VGLogEntry object in the repository represented by this runtime.
See Also