Visual Guard Class Library Documentation

VGSecurityManager Members

VGSecurityManager overview

Public Static Properties

SecurityEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating if the Visual Guard security is enabled.
ReplaceCurrentPrincipal Gets or sets a value indicating if the principal of the current thread (CurrentPrincipal) must be replaced by the Visual Guard principal after an authentication.
UpdateCredentialStatistics Gets or sets a boolean value indicating if the statistics of credential must be updated or not.
EnablePasswordReset Gets a value indicating whether the current membership provider is configured to allow users to reset their passwords.
RequiresQuestionAndAnswer Gets a value indicating whether the default membership provider requires the user to answer a password question for password reset and retrieval.
RequiresUniqueEmail Gets a value indicating whether the repository is configured to require a unique e-mail address for each user name.
LogEnabled Gets a value indicating whether the log is enabled for the current repository.
AllowAutomaticInterception Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether Visual Guard can use its automatic interception mechanism to intercept the instantication of Forms and automatically set the security to this instance.
IncludeWindowsGroups Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether role granted to Windows Groups are included to the list of role of a user.
MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts Gets the number of invalid password or password-answer attempts allowed before the membership user is locked out.
MinRequiredNonAlphanumericCharacters Gets the minimum number of special characters that must be present in a valid password.
MinRequiredPasswordLength Gets the minimum length required for a password.
PasswordAttemptWindow Gets the number of minutes in which a maximum number of invalid password or password-answer attempts are allowed before the membership user is locked out.
SyncRootGets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the VGSecurityManager.
PasswordPolicyMessage Gets the message displayed to the user if the password does not match the validation rules.
ConfigurationFile Gets or sets the path of the Visual Guard configuration file.
DefaultConfigurationFilename Gets the default name of the file used as Visual Guard configuration file
PasswordStrengthRegularExpression Gets the regular expression used to evaluate a password.
ApplicationName gets the name of the application managed by Visual Guard
TraceLevel Gets or sets the level of the Visual Guard trace.
TraceListener Gets or sets the TraceListener object used to trace Visual Guard messages.
ApplicationType gets the type of the application managed by Visual Guard
AuthenticationState Gets a VGAuthenticationState object representing the last authentication state.
AuthorizationState Gets a VGAuthorizationState object representing the last authorization state.
GenerateDebugInformation Gets or sets a VGDebugOptions value indicating whether debug information should be included or not.
Principal Gets the VGIPrincipal representing the security context of current user on whose behalf the application is running. this property is null (Nothing) before calling the or methods or when the last authorization or authentication process has failed.
Runtime Gets the current VGSecurityRuntime instance used by the security manager

Public Static Methods

AddRuntimeProvider Add a runtime provider to the list of runtime provider.
AuthenticateOverloaded. Authenticates a user by using the database or Visual Guard authentication mode.
ChangePassword Changes the password of the user.
ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer Changes the password question and answer of the user.
CheckContext Check if the context of Visual Guard is valid.
GeneratePassword Generates a random password of the specified length.
GetBytes Encodes a specified String into a byte array
IsAnonymousSessionSupported Indicates whether an anonymous sessions are supported by the current application.
LoadAnomymousSecurityOverloaded. Loads the permissions for an anonymous session.
LoadSecurityOverloaded. Loads the permission of the CurrentPrincipal identity.
ResetPasswordOverloaded. Resets a user's password to a new, automatically generated password.
SetSecurityOverloaded. Sets the security for the specified object.
SignOut Unloads the roles and permissions granted to the current user.
ValidateUser Verifies that the supplied user name and password are valid.
WriteLog Writes a new log entry as defined in the specified VGLogEntry object to the log stored in the default Visual Guard repository.

Public Static Events

SignedOut Occurs when the current user is signed out.
CheckVersion Allows to check if the version of the repository permissions is compatible with the version of the application.
LogWriting Occurs before a log entries is written in a repository.
PermissionsLoading Occurs before the permissions are loaded and allows filtering the list of user's roles.
SecurityError Occurs when Visual Guard loads security actions and a type are unknown or when Visual Guard sets the security of an object and an exception occurs.
DefaultRuntimeInitialized Occurs when the VGSecurityRuntime object assigned by default to the security manager is initialized.
SecurityLoaded Occurs after the security permissions are loaded.
ValidatingPassword Occurs when a password is changed or is reset.

See Also

VGSecurityManager Class | Novalys.VisualGuard.Security Namespace