Visual Guard Class Library Documentation

VGPrincipalPermissionAttribute Members

VGPrincipalPermissionAttribute overview

Public Instance Constructors

VGPrincipalPermissionAttribute Constructor Initializes a new instance of the VGPrincipalPermissionAttribute class with the specified SecurityAction.

Public Instance Properties

AuthenticatedGets or sets a value indicating whether the current principal has been authenticated by Visual Guard.
Name Gets or sets the fullname of the permission or the name of the role.
RepositoryId Gets or sets the Visual Guard unique identifier of the item (role or permission).
Type Specifies the type of item for which the current principal is a member.

Public Instance Methods

CreatePermissionCreates and returns a new VGPrincipalPermission.

See Also

VGPrincipalPermissionAttribute Class | Novalys.VisualGuard.Security Namespace | Principal | VGIPrincipal