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Introduction to ADFS 2.0

Functionalities available in versions 3.3.1 and higher

This new functionality allows you to use Windows accounts that are found in a distant Active Directory. (For example, if you have partners that wish to be able to connect to your web application with their Windows account.)

You can federate multiple Active Directories belonging to distinct networks or companies. The administrator of each Active Directory declares Windows accounts or groups in a central repository managed by Visual Guard. All the users in these Active Directories can then access applications secured by Visual Guard. Thus we obtain a centralized security system, even though the users are distributed across completely separate Windows domains.

Steps to Install VG ADFS

  • Install ADFS on your client or partner’s server
  • Install VGRelaying Party on your client or partner’s server
  • Install VGServer on your network or DMZ
  • Declare the ADFS server in your VGRepository

How to declare a federated account

There are two ways to declare federated accounts:

  • You can declare federated accounts from the VGConsole
  • You can install VG Client Federation on your client or partner’s server

VG ADFS Schema

Schema Of Adfs

Using the VG Federation Client

This utility allows you to declare Windows accounts from your domain in the VGRepository.

VGFederation Client

For assistance moving to VG ADFS, don’t hesitate to contact Consulting