Occurs when the VGSecurityRuntime object assigned by default to the security manager is initialized.

Namespace:  Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.WebService
Assembly:  Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.WebService (in Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.WebService.dll) Version: 3.2.912.1 (3.2.912.01)


public static event EventHandler<VGSecurityInitializedEventArgs> RuntimeInitialized
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Shared Event RuntimeInitialized As EventHandler(Of VGSecurityInitializedEventArgs)


The event handler receives an argument of type VGSecurityInitializedEventArgs containing data related to this event. The RuntimeInitialized event allows to change the default security settings used by Visual Guard to load the security for the specified service description.

See Also