
( Default Namespace )

The Novalys.VisualGuard.Security namespace provides classes that allow interacting with Visual Guard.
One of the most important classes of this namespace is the VGSecurityManager class. This class Provides the main access point for classes interacting with the Visual Guard security system.

If you need to integrate Visual Guard in a WinForm application, we strongly recommend to read the "How to integrate Visual Guard in a WinForm application" document.

If you need to integrate Visual Guard in an ASP.Net 1.1 application, we strongly recommend to read the "How to integrate Visual Guard in an ASP.Net 1.1 application" document.

If you need to integrate Visual Guard in an ASP.Net 2.0 application, we strongly recommend to read the "How to integrate Visual Guard in an ASP.Net 2.0 application" document.

If you need to integrate Visual Guard in a WCF application, we strongly recommend to read the "How to integrate Visual Guard in a WCF application" document.


The Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.Deployment namespace provides classes that allow deploying a repository.

To deploy a repository or an application, you can use the Visual Guard console, classes provided in this namespace to integrate the deployment in your own program or use the deployment tool.

  • Visual Guard console allows you to directly deploy your repository data in another repository or to generate a deployment configuration files.
  • The deployment tool (vg_deployment.exe) is a command line utility and uses a deployment configuration files generated by the Visual Guard console.

For more information about the deployment, see How to deploy a Visual Guard repository

The Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.Deployment namespace provides classes representing all deployment actions.
The Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.Logging namespace provides classes used to write in the log of a Visual Guard repository.

  • The VGLogger class allows to write a log entry in a repository log.
  • The VGLogEntry represents a message to write in a repository log.

For more information about the Visual Guard Logging features, you consult the document Using Visual Guard Logging features


The Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.Membership namespace provides classes used to create, edit, delete and to grant roles to users stored in a Visual Guard repository.

  • The VGMembership class allows to create, edit or delete Visual Guard user.
  • The VGRoles class allows to create, edit and delete a role and allows to grant or revoke roles to users.

By default, Visual Guard membership API can be used by all users of your application. It is possible to restrict the use of Membership API to some users of your application. To enable Membership permission, you must:

  • Run the Visual Guard Console
  • Connect you to the repository of your application
  • Select the treenode corresponding to your application
  • Set the property 'Membership Access Level' to the appropiate value.
  • Select the special role 'Membership Manager' and edit the granted users list of this role.

Visual Guard will throw a SecurityException exception when a user attempt to use Membership API and the membership access level defined for the application is not appropriate or when the access level is set to 'MembershipMembersOnly' and the user is not a member of the 'Membership Manager' role of the application.

The Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.WebForm namespace provides classes used to enable Visual Guard in ASP.Net applications.

The VGHttpModule class allows Visual Guard to load security in conjunction with Forms, Windows and Passport authentication. It sets the HttpContext.User property to a VGIPrincipal object.

If you need to integrate Visual Guard in an ASP.Net 1.1 application, we strongly recommend to read the "How to integrate Visual Guard in an ASP.Net 1.1 application" document.

If you need to integrate Visual Guard in an ASP.Net 2.0 application, we strongly recommend to read the "How to integrate Visual Guard in an ASP.Net 2.0 application" document.

The Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.WebService namespace provides classes used to enable Visual Guard in WCF applications.

If you need to integrate Visual Guard in a WCF application, we strongly recommend to read the "How to integrate Visual Guard in a WCF application" document.

The Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.WinForm namespace contains all classes based on a Windows user interface.
  • The VGLoginForm class provides an user interface to authenticate a user and load the security according to the permission granted to this user.
  • The VGChangePasswordForm class provides an user interface to change the password of a Visual Guard user.