The VGRole type exposes the following members.


Public propertyApplicationId
Gets the unique identifier of the application of the role
Public propertyComment
Gets or sets a short description of the role.
Public propertyId
Return the ID of role
Public propertyIsAnonymous
Gets a boolean value indicating whether the role is an anonymous role
Public propertyIsBuiltIn
Gets a boolean value indicating whether the role is a built-in role and cannot be modified or deleted
Public propertyIsDefault
Gets a boolean value indicating whether the role is an default role for a current application
Public propertyIsMembershipManagerRole
Return true if this role is Membership Role
Public propertyIsSharedRole
Gets a boolean value indicating whether the role is a shared role
Public propertyLastModification
Return the last modification date (Server Time)
Public propertyLastModificationDate
Gets or sets the date and time when the role was last modified.
Public propertyLastModificationLT
Return the last modification date (Lcoal Time)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the role.
Public propertyPermissionSet Obsolete.
Gets or sets the permission set granted to the role.
Public propertyPermissionSets
Gets permission set list granted to the role.
Public propertyRepositoryId
Gets the unique identifier from the repository for the role.
Public propertyRoleId
Gets a VGRoleIdof role

See Also