Visual Guard Screenshots

Visual Guard WebConsole


Visual Guard WebConsole User Identity Management Dashboard

Manage Application Security with Visual Guard WebConsole

Event Viewer

Visual Guard WebConsole Event Viewer

Manage Application Security with Visual Guard WebConsole

User Management

Visual Guard webconsole User management

Manage Users

Create User Accounts with Visual Guard Webconsole 2019

Creating a User

Create a user with a Visual Guard Account

Create a new Windows account

Role Management

Grant roles to users with Visual Guard WebConsole 2019

Grant Roles to Users

Managing roles with Visual Guard WebConsole 2019

Managing roles

Create a role with Visual Guard WebConsole 2019

Creating roles

Assign Permission sets to roles with Visual Guard WebConsole

Assigning Permission sets to roles in Visual Guard Webconsole

Authentication Modes

Form based Authentication in a Web application with a Username-Password Account

Visual Guard WinConsole

User Management

Visual Guard WinConsole

Visual Guard WinConsole

Grant Role to Users

Grant Role to Users

Edit Password Policy

Edit Password Policy

User Permissions

Manage Permissions

Manage Permissions

Defining Permission Sets

Permission Sets

Permission Set

Grouping Permissions into Permission Sets

Role Management

Manage Shared Roles

Shared Roles

Managing Application Roles

Application Roles

Grant Permission Sets to Roles

Grouping Permissions Sets into Roles

Grant Users to Roles

Granting Users to Roles

Audit and Reporting

Generate a Security Report

Generating an Application Security Report

Auditing - Event Viewer - secured application

View who did what in the application

VG Identity Server Server

Identity Dashboard

Identity Server Dashboard

Configure of a Client

Configuring a Client

Identity Server Details

Configuring a Client

Identity Server Local Settings

Configuring a Client