Visual Guard Class Library Documentation

What's new in Visual Guard

What's new in Visual Guard

For more information about a complete list of fixed bugs, improvements, breaking changes, see: Update List

What's new in Visual Guard 2017.0

New Features in Visual Guard

New Features in Win Console

New Features in Web Console


For more information click here: Visual Guard Web Server.


See Also

How to integrate Visual Guard in a WCF application

Visual Guard expression language


Uprading v2016 to v2017 

Uprading v2015 to v2016 

Uprading v5.X to v2015 

Uprading v5.0 to v5.1 

Uprading v3.3.1 to v5.0 

Upgrading v3.3 to v3.3.1 

Upgrading v3.2 to v3.3 

Upgrading v3.1 to v3.2 

Upgrading v3.0 to v3.1 

Upgrading v2.8 to v3.0 

Upgrading v2.7 to v2.8