Defines all the password question and answer modification status

Namespace: Novalys.VisualGuard.Security
Assembly: Novalys.VisualGuard.Security (in Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.dll) Version: 2017.0.101.17 (2017.0.101.17)


public enum VGPasswordQuestionAndAnswerModificationStatus
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration VGPasswordQuestionAndAnswerModificationStatus


Member nameValueDescription
Success1 The modification succeeds.
Failure2 The modification fails.
PasswordDoesNotMatch4 The modification fails. The given password does not match the password stored in the repository
LastBadLogin8 The modification fails. The given password does not match the password stored in the repository and if the next authentication fails the account will be locked.
AccountIsLockedOut16 The modification fails. The user account is locked out and must be unlocked by an administrator before changing the password question and answer.
UserNotFound64 The modification fails. The user is not found in the repository
ProviderError128 When the identity module does not have an interfaces requirements

See Also