The VGTokenClientCredentials type exposes the following members.


Public propertyClientCertificate
Gets an object that you can use to provide the X.509 certificate that the client uses to authenticate to the service.
(Inherited from ClientCredentials.)
Public propertyHttpDigest
Gets the current HTTP Digest credential.
(Inherited from ClientCredentials.)
Public propertyIssuedToken
Use this property to specify the endpoint address and binding to use when contacting your local Security Token Service. This information is used when a service requires authentication using an issued token, but the policy of the service (represented as a binding on the client) does not explicitly specify how and where to obtain the issued token.
(Inherited from ClientCredentials.)
Public propertyPeer
Controls the credentials that a peer node uses to authenticate itself to other nodes in the mesh, as well as authentication settings that a peer node uses to authenticate other peer nodes.
(Inherited from ClientCredentials.)
Public propertyServiceCertificate
Gets an object used to specify a service's X.509 certificate.
(Inherited from ClientCredentials.)
Public propertySupportInteractive
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the system is allowed to interactively prompt the user for credentials when necessary. For example, setting it to false might be desired in middle-tier scenarios.
(Inherited from ClientCredentials.)
Public propertyUserName
Gets a credential object that you can use to set the user name and password that the client uses to authenticate itself to the service.
(Inherited from ClientCredentials.)
Public propertyVGToken
Public propertyWindows
Gets an object used to control the Windows credential that the client uses to authenticate itself to the service.
(Inherited from ClientCredentials.)

See Also