The Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.WebForm namespace provides classes used to enable Visual Guard in ASP.Net applications.

The VGHttpModule class allows Visual Guard to load security in conjunction with Forms, Windows and Passport authentication. It sets the HttpContext.User property to a VGIPrincipal object.

If you need to integrate Visual Guard in an ASP.Net 1.1 application, we strongly recommend to read the "How to integrate Visual Guard in an ASP.Net 1.1 application" document.

If you need to integrate Visual Guard in an ASP.Net 2.0 application, we strongly recommend to read the "How to integrate Visual Guard in an ASP.Net 2.0 application" document.


Public classFailureEventArgs
Public classHttpHelper
Summary description for HttpHelper
Public classPageElement
Public classPageElementCollection
Public classSuccessEventArgs
Public classVGCookieConfig
Public classVGCRMConfig
Public classVGFormsAuthentication
Public classVGHttpModule
Loads the Visual Guard permission of the current user for an ASP.NET application when Visual Guard is enabled. This class cannot be inherited. .
Public classVGMemberShipProvider
Manages storage of membership information for an ASP.NET application in a Visual Guard repository.
Public classVGRoleProvider
Manages storage of role membership information for an ASP.NET application in a Visual Guard repository.
Public classVGSecurityInitializedEventArgs

Provides data for the Initialized event.

Public classVGWebConfiguration
Add section in web.config Name VGWebConfiguration of the node Remove the security for some extension page
Public classVGWebLoginForm
Public classVGWebLoginFormDesigner
Public classVGWebPortalButton
Public classVGWebPortalHelper



Public enumerationVGDomainScope