Creates a new instance of the VGSecurityRuntime class and initializes a connection to a repository using Oracle as the backing store.

Namespace: Novalys.VisualGuard.Security
Assembly: Novalys.VisualGuard.Security (in Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.dll) Version: 2017.0.101.17 (2017.0.101.17)


public static VGSecurityRuntime CreateRuntimeForOracle(
	string repositoryName,
	VGAuthenticationMode supportedAuthenticationModes,
	bool anonymousSessionSupported,
	Guid applicationId,
	string connectionString,
	string schema,
	int cacheDuration,
	bool includeWindowsGroups
Visual Basic
Public Shared Function CreateRuntimeForOracle ( 
	repositoryName As String,
	supportedAuthenticationModes As VGAuthenticationMode,
	anonymousSessionSupported As Boolean,
	applicationId As Guid,
	connectionString As String,
	schema As String,
	cacheDuration As Integer,
	includeWindowsGroups As Boolean
) As VGSecurityRuntime


Type: System..::..String
the name of the repository
Type: Novalys.VisualGuard.Security..::..VGAuthenticationMode
A VGAuthenticationMode indicating the authentication mode supported by the security runtime. This value must be equal or a subset of the value defined in the repository.
Type: System..::..Boolean
A boolean value indicating whether the security runtime supports anonymous session.
Type: System..::..Guid
The Visual Guard unique identifier of the application managed by the security runtime.
Type: System..::..String
The connection string used to establish the connection to the database containing the repository tables.
Type: System..::..String
the name of the Oracle schema containing the Visual Guard database objects. The name of the Oracle schema is case sensitive (in most of case the value should be uppercased).
Type: System..::..Int32
The length of time in seconds that Visual Guard caches a repository item before trying to reload them from the repository.
Type: System..::..Boolean
Indicates whether role granted to Windows Groups are included to the list of role of a user.

Return Value

Type: VGSecurityRuntime
A new instance of the VGSecurityRuntime class.


this method requires to deploy the assembly "Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.Oracle.dll" with your application.


System..::..ArgumentNullExceptionrepositoryName or connectionString or schema is null (Nothing).
System..::..ArgumentExceptionrepositoryName is an empty string.

- or-

supportedAuthenticationModes is equal to None.
System..::..ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptioncacheDuration is negative.

See Also