Grants the permission to use the Membership API to edit, create, delete or assign role to users for the current application

Namespace: Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.Membership
Assembly: Novalys.VisualGuard.Security (in Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.dll) Version: 2017.0.101.17 (2017.0.101.17)


public static bool GrantMembershipPermission(
	string username
Visual Basic
Public Shared Function GrantMembershipPermission ( 
	username As String
) As Boolean


Type: System..::..String
The user to grant membership permission for.

Return Value

Type: Boolean
true if the membership permission was successfully granted; otherwise, false. A value of false is also returned if the user does not exist in the repository.


System..::..ArgumentExceptionusername is an empty string, is longer than 64 characters, or contains invalid characters ('\', '/', '?', '*', '%', ';', ''', '"', ':', '|', '[', ']', '+', '=', ',').
System..::..ArgumentNullExceptionusername is null.
System.Security..::..SecurityExceptionThe current user has not enough privileges to use Membership API. The 'Membership Manager' role must be granted to the user by using the Visual Guard console.

See Also